Officially, no decision will be made until Monday. Officially, they want to determine how to proceed in the fight against the Corona pandemic only in discussion with experts and provincial governors.
But already on Saturday, Health Minister Rudolf Anschober once again confirmed what experts like virologist Dorothee von Laer have been preaching for days: The Corona numbers are simply too bad to think about any relief.
On Saturday, the number of new infections was 3,344 cases, exceeding 3,000 for the fourth time in a row, and in a situation like this, Anschober told ORF radio, it “certainly can’t be about big relaxations.”
The minister pointed out that the British mutation variant is not only more contagious, but also causes more severe courses of the disease – the number of occupied intensive care beds is again in the problematic range.
Major differences
The crisis teams see the considerable regional differences as one of the greatest challenges at present.
For example, while the incidence of infection is still comparatively calm in the west, specifically in Vorarlberg, where the 7-day incidence is 61.4 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, the 7-day incidence in Salzburg is already beyond the 300 mark.
As a countermeasure, experts and top politicians are advocating regional countermeasures. Complexity researcher Peter Klimek and epidemiologist Gerald Gartlehner, for example, have brought the extension of the Easter vacations into discussion. And also the practice of “screening out” from a district, which was recently established in Wiener Neustadt, is now a viable option for both federal and local politicians.
Austrian daily newspaper KURIER reported on Saturday from government circles that an atmospheric change had taken place in this regard. If individual states and districts at the beginning of the pandemic still felt the regional compulsory measures as more or less fair punishment, one sees this now more calmly – in return it is no longer necessary to send whole federal states or even the whole country into a lockdown.
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